President Mbeki's Resignation Address 21 Sept 2008

South Africa's outgoing President Thabo Mbeki

South Africa's Thabo Mbeki has resigned from office after being recalled by the ANC

September 21, 2008, 20:15
Fellow South Africans,

I have no doubt that you are aware of the announcement made yesterday by the National Executive Committee of the ANC with regard to the position of the President of the Republic.

Accordingly, I would like to take this opportunity to inform the nation that today I handed a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Honourable Baleka Mbete, to tender my resignation from the high position of President of the Republic of South Africa, effective from the day that will be determined by the National Assembly.

Lire la suite du discours de President Mbeki annoncant sa resignation

Source: SABC news Website

4 hummmm?:

  1. Antoine Birot said...

    Le president qui demissione!
    La France en reve, la Sudafriquie l a fait!

  2. Alain said...

    Bon, ben maintenant faut mettre à jour le blog, y a un nouveau président, alors

  3. Pauline said...

    J'attends que ca se tasse, y a des nouveaux qui demissionent. Enfin bon maintenant ca y est on a un nouveau president et un nouveau gouvernement, tout beau tout neuf (enfin y en a quand meme qui sont de l'ancien gouvernement)

  4. Alain said...

    Au fait on n'écrit pas " le président annonçant sa résignation" mais " le président annonçant sa démission". Sinon, on ne comprend pas. Ou on comprend autre chose.

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