J'adoooore les vacances. Et comme je suis de bonne humeur et que c'est rare, je ne vais meme pas parler du policier qui m'a tellement enervee que j'ai repris mon argent et mon passeport des ses mains, partant en maugreant comme une petite vieille que c'est "absolutely ridiculous". Non, je n'avais pas une amende, je voulais juste un extrait de mon casier judiciaire. Mais bon j'ai dit que j'en parlais pas alors chut.
Hier, oh miracle, le Dave a concede a lever la tete de ses bouquins et on est alle au cinema voir The Lives of Others. J'ai bien aime. Oui je sais vous vous en fichez, ce n'est pas exactement un evenement palpitant. Alors pour la peine voici deux videos. C'est ce qu'on voit au cinema avant le film pour nous dire d'eteindre nos portables.
Residant: "Who's that?" (en me designant)
Social worker en chef: "This is Pauline" (avec une voix douceureuse et mielleuse, comme tout social worker doit avoir. Mon Dieu, j'espere que je ne parlerais pas comme ca, pitie!)
Residant: "I hope it's not a new staff member!!"
Labels: Movies, Ze Life of Ze Popo
Hi Pauline! I didn't get the part of the policeman, the money and the passport. Did they steal your purse?
Hi La delirante. I just went to the police station to get a police clearance certificate (to show that I have not been charged for any crime). I just got very upset with the policeman, because he was very rude,he did not want to give me my change (I had to pay for this), could not tell me how long it would take, and was saying that if it gets lost, it's not his problem and that I would have to pay again. So I just got angry, took all my stuff and walked away. I understand that it's administration and that he does not make the rules. But he could at least be polite and give me my change!!
Hi Pauline! Thanks for the explanation :) I'm afraid my French is getting very rusty :(
Sorry to hear about what happened with the policeman :( I hate "red tape" and as you well pointed out, especially when people are very rude towards the customers. Even if it is a public service it is nonetheless still a service.
Have a lovely day!